form is void void is color
Edited by Gayarama and Joel Valabrega
Performed by Aiko Cech,
Dolma Maria Angelina Mantovan,
Uma Carmen Giurleo Oppedisano
Photography 35 mm: Gayarama
Typesetting: Giulia Pastore
Performed by Aiko Cech,
Dolma Maria Angelina Mantovan,
Uma Carmen Giurleo Oppedisano
Photography 35 mm: Gayarama
Typesetting: Giulia Pastore

form is void void is color
Santa Luce ° London ° Moscow ° Milano
Santa Luce ° London ° Moscow ° Milano
form is void void is color is an artist's book - edition of 33 copies - that juxtaposes photographic images with a narrative about transformation, form and landscape. The labyrinthine structure of the book - defined by elaborate paper engineering - reflects the imaginary content where the observer metaphysically follows a phantasmagorical journey. The 3 heroines - Uma, Dolma and Aiko - move across narrative spaces through constant coloured metamorphosis. The elements (water, fire, air, earth and space) acquire new identities thanks to the characters’ change of perspective. The story is marked by twists and stasis, sudden actions and reflections on landscape. In terms of typesetting, the stylistic mark emphasizes the relationship between form and void through black blocks of bilingual text which are defined within the white of pages. Simultaneously, the artists have re-elaborated the images as an installation of a gigantic book printed and embroidered on textile.